Saturday, August 23, 2008

My garden

I love my garden. It's just a little plot of dirt, but it gives me so much pleasure and pride. This year tomatoes are abundant. I'm still getting the hang of growing green beans (monster of a plant!) and various squash, but they're still yielding some good fruit. I bought my Red Cherry tomato plant from this darling old man at the Saturday Farmers Market who always, no matter what the weather, wears a Caltrans-orange ear-flap hat. He is constantly smiling and was truly delighted when I told him that his plant was the best in my garden. I think he starts everything himself from cuttings, and everything is super-cheap - my tomato plant was $1.50. Its performance has surpassed that of my nursery-bought tomato plants, which were probably at least twice the price. Today I harvested about a pound of tomatoes; no need to buy them at the store this week!